The USHBA is working to lower the risk of businesses entering into our market. One risk is the unnecessary testing of grain and fiber hemp crops which we depend on as sources for our building materials. We are supporting legislation that would allow for these crops to exempt from cannabinoid testing. Cannabinoid testing can cause a perfectly good fiber or grain crop to be destroyed.

Here is the proposal:
– Grain and Fiber Industrial Hemp- Exemption Framework

-Crop/plant grown using standard agricultural practices and the harvested material (grain and straw) is destined for only grain, fiber, or both grain and fiber use.

-Same 2018 Farm Bill licensing with added designation for only grain/fiber production & harvest

​-Signed declaration that producer will only harvest grain/fiber and will not harvest flowers or extract any resin from crop (note- full use of hemp seed/grain authorized)

​-No background check required

​-Required visual inspection (i.e. in person, aerial with drones, or unmanned aircraft) to confirm uniform crop production consistent with production designation on license

​-No sampling or testing for uniform production consistent with designation

​-If visual inspection reveals inconsistent crop production with designation (i.e. flower production rather than grain or fiber production) testing is required as under cannabinoid hemp program or other documented verification required (i.e. seed/ variety receipts, sales contract)

​-Remediation or destruction for non-compliant production (See Montana remediation model)

​-Violations for non-compliance (i.e. cannabinoid production: fine/civil penalty, priority for inspections; high-THC-crop production: destruction, fine/civil penalty, restriction from program participation for 2-5 years)

​-Restricted from participation for intentional violations, potential criminal charges

​-Current 2018 Farm Bill Cannabinoid Hemp Program Maintained!

For more details or to support this effort, please check out